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Classis Committees


Classis Interim Committee (CIC)

Trevor Vanderveen, Chair
Kathy Smith, Stated Clerk
David Pel, Treasurer
Jesse Pals, SFC/CMLT
Joel Ringma
Willem Delleman
Faye Martin, Abuse Prevention and Response Coordinator (ex officio)

Classical Ministries Committee (CMC)

Johannes Schouten, Chair
Dan Schultz
Mark Bandstra
Kathy Smith, Stated Clerk
David Pel, Classis Treasurer


Liz Tolkamp, Chair, Faith Formation Curator
Wilma van der Leek, Servant Leadership Curator and BC Leadership Development Facilitator
John Zuidhof, Gospel Proclamation & Worship Curator (BCSE)
Sarah Lee, Communications Coordinator

Christian Reformed Campus Ministry at UNBC

Juliana DeWeerd, Chaplain
Charlotte Groot, Chair

Classis Ministry Leadership Team (CMLT) / Student Fund Committee (SFC)
(bi-classis committee with Classis BCSE)
Jesse Pals (Student Fund Committee chair)
Luke Shi
Paul DeWeerd
Willem Delleman

Ministry to Seafarers Committee
(bi-classis committee with Classis BCSE)
Rev. Gary Roosma, Chaplain
John Bandstra, Chair
Roelien Van Geemen, Secretary
David Pel, Treasurer
Evelyn Kersbergen

Safe Church Team
Faye Martin,  Abuse Prevention and Response Coordinator
Kathy Smith
Josephine Wong

Sierra Leone - B.C. CRC Partnership

(bi-classis committee with Classis BCSE)
Dave Mayer, Chair
Joel Ringma, Secretary